Scene Set up ideas
We had great fun writing THE ELF TIMES for you. It’s got Happy Elf content that sets the scene and brings a little bit of 🪄🌟magic 🌟to the little ones. 🎄
Our “treat of choice” is some dessert candy canes. Your treat doesn’t have to be 🍭candy canes, but it links nicely to one of the stories in the newspaper.
Other “treat” suggestions (*these link to the newspaper content):
- A Barbie or Ken doll/related item*
- A sledge*🛷
- A few gold chocolate coins 🪙
- Or something else the little one(s) would be happy to receive!
If you don’t have a fireplace to set your scene at, don’t worry, choose somewhere else like a comfy chair or the windowsill to set your scene at each night (or mix it up a little – keeping the children guessing where The Happy Elf/Elves will be).
If this arrival option isn’t for you, take a look at Option 2 (ELF-IES 📷🤳🏽 are always a popular choice!)
Optional Extra Certificates – We have made a certificate 📜 (links below), which you could use as an award in some of the tasks. All of our optional extras in this pack are 🌟free.🌟
Please follow and Tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!