Scene Set up Ideas...
This is a quick one to set up. I grabbed one of my favourite decs (Rudy) and some cheap battery lights. You can use whatever Christmassy bits you already have to accessories your scene – no need to buy anything new.
Here are some ideas:
In the image with the two Happy Elves, I have cut the card into three sections; the word search (main activity), joke and code. Putting the joke and code to one side to use at another time.
Remember you can choose not to skip the main activity and your Happy Elves could arrive with just a code or a joke (or with both), it’s up to you!
The image with one Happy Elf is all three activities in one whole piece, simply folded along the dotted lines with one little snip just on the right short side of the code. This snip and folding helps it to stand up all by itself!
Please follow and Tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!

Ooh we spy "BELLS"!