Scene Set up Ideas...
The best time to go stargazing is the days before, during and soon after each new Moon when there is no Moon in the sky. During these times, there is no bright Moon to wash out the light from fainter stars.
This 2024, Astronomers predict the new Moon period will be from November 23rd, through to December 7th. So the best dates to go Stargazing with you Happy Elves will be Monday, December 2nd through to Saturday 7th December.
We’ve added a star decoration, a cut out of the moon and some battery-powered fairy lights for added extra sparkle. You could accessorise your scene with some sparkly decks you may already have, (a sparkly bauble or Christmas lantern would look great too!)
If it’s looking grim and cloudy outside when you do this, we have an optional printable colouring sheet instead (links below). If you don’t have a working printer the children could draw a starry sky on a piece of paper or card.
Please follow and tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!