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Let’s do a Scavenger Hunt!

Scene Setup Ideas...

🌟 This is a simple scene to set.

In my scene, I put out a Christmas toy we already had which happens to be on the list! ☃️


  • You may need to supervise this if you have younger children and take control of the Scavenger Hunt prop card – otherwise, they may get tick-happy (😁🤣)
  • If there is more than one child they could hunt for a column each or share ticking them off as they find them together!  😍
  • Another suggestion if you have more than one child is, that they could have a different coloured pencil 🖍️✏️each and place their coloured tick in the box as they find them…

Enjoy the fun!

Please follow and Tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun  F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!

I bet I spy a candy cane first!

I bet I spy a candy cane first!