Scene Set up Ideas...
Simply grab your pile of unpaired clean dry socks and sit your Happy Elves on top of, or by them with the prop card and pencils for the little ones to discover!
If there’s more than one little one, we have an optional sheet for them to draw their own sock design creations on (link below). If you don’t have a printer available right now, the children could draw on a piece of card (or paper) instead and answer the questions on the prop card between them (with a little grown-up intervention/guidance).
Please follow and tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!

I bagsy sleeping in the penguin sock tonight!

Watching them pair these up is going to be funny!
© Foldable Fun 2023