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Departure Option 2 – See-ya and Toodle-pip!

Scene Set up Ideas...

In our departure scene, I have taken a couple of my Christmas decs🎄and pegged the “Farewell” note to it. 

Because not many people are a fan of saying goodbye (we’ve enjoyed having this Happy Elf around!), I’ve added a huge pile of chocolate from our Happy Elf as a parting gift!  (I always say whatever the problem is, 🍫chocolate is always the solution!)

Your Happy Elf’s parting gift doesn’t have to be an edible one, it could be a Christmas Eve Box or a gift of your choice; it’s up to you!

Click on the links at the bottom for an optional extra Cracker 💥Joke Sheet.  

Thanks for being a good sport! Also, thank you for following our socials and if you’ve shared your scenes with us we are really grateful!

🌟We wish you a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year! 🎄


H, Geo and Esmé

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See-ya, Toodle-pip!

See-ya, Toodle-pip!