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It’s Time to Say “Adios!”

Scene Set up Ideas...

In our scene, we have used these big cocktail umbrellas, ⛱️ but small ones will do just as nicely (and probably easier to drink with!). We’ve also popped in a mocktail for inspiration!  

If you feel the cocktail umbrellas and little farewell card are not enough for your Bossy Elf’s departure gift, here are some suggestions:

  • A fancy 🎄Christmas-themed glass or cup for the children (and maybe grown-ups) to drink from on Christmas Day! 
  • A Christmas Eve box (a box filled with something like a hot chocolate sachet, 📕a book, some cosy pyjamas and a few treats 🍬🍬🍬)
  • Or something else you know the children would love! ❤️

Remember it’s not goodbye, but “Adios” and “See you soon!” Thanks for being a good sport! Also, thank you for following our socials 💌 and if you’ve shared your scenes with us we are really grateful! 🌟We wish you a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year! 🎄

Love from  

H, Geo and Esmé

For news and updates on the publication of our new Times Tables Rhymes and Games, please follow us on:

Insta’: @foldablefun F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun 

I think it's time to book that holiday!

I think it's time to book that holiday!