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Presenting our latest book…


– Making learning the TOP 20 Trickiest Times Tables FUN and easy!

Many children find learning the Times Tables tricky! Some Times Tables questions are trickier to remember the correct answer to than others.
We have written Memorable Rhymes, which teach the trickiest Times Tables facts and make it really fun!
We’ve also specifically designed it with visual and auditory learners in mind.

This book teaches the Times Tables in a unique way. It is a book of mathematical Rhymes which first tells a Rhyme, followed by a matching Times Table question and answer! The Rhymes have two verses that reinforce the commutative nature of multiplication. This means the order in which you multiply the numbers does not change the product; for example, 7 x 8 = 56 and 8 x 7 = 56.

Each Times Table Rhyme has a character or item which Rhymes with the number in focus:

For example… Seven apes (8) had a fidgety itch (56). An ape (8) had seven fluffy chicks (56).

For example… Seven apes (8) had a fidgety itch (56). An ape (8) had seven fluffy chicks (56).

Four shipmates (8) sailed with their dirty crew (32). The pirates (8) fought (4) over what to do... (32). There are also often numbers in the illustrations for each Rhyme. Can you see number 32 is etched on the pirate's ship?

Four shipmates (8) sailed with their dirty crew (32). The pirates (8) fought (4) over what to do... (32). There are also often numbers in the illustrations for each Rhyme. Can you see number 32 is etched on the pirate's ship?

Each Times Table Rhyme in the book uses the same “Rhyming Couplet” format, containing a memorable story Rhyme that Rhymes with a Times Table fact, enabling each tricky Times Table to be learnt in easy chunks.

There are 20 different Memorable Times Tables Rhymes showcased in full-page format and at the back of the book in a smaller-sized set for you to cut out (handy for 1-1 teaching and learning). It also contains a certificate to cut out, personalise and celebrate learners’ success when they learn all of the Rhymes. 

Learners will enjoy learning and saying the Rhymes repeatedly. Each Rhyme has a natural rhythm and beat. This, combined with the visual memory hooks, helps learners to remember the 20 tricky Times Tables easily.

This rhyming method provides an easy strategy for remembering the times tables. Research suggests that learning through Rhyme reduces the stress some learners feel when asked to practise the Times Tables and answer questions in timed conditions or on-the-spot questions while achieving the same goals.

“Implementing the ‘Memorable Times Tables Rhymes’ in our school has been a really enjoyable experience. We use them in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, and the impact on our results is impressive.“ ~ Primary School, Cheshire

“The ’Memorable Times Tables Rhymes’ have helped me to remember the tricky Times TablesMy favourite Rhymes are the ones with the fluffy chicks (7×8=56) and the lemon (7×12=84)“ ~ Esmé, age 9

Times Tables Rhymes -

These memorable Rhymes make learning the top 20 trickiest times tables FUN and easy!

The colourful pictures, cool characters and clever Rhymes help to create “memory hooks” which will get stuck in your head! 

The words and the rhythm sound similar to the Times Table number fact. There are also visual memory joggers in the pictures. 

Some of the Rhymes are a bit daft, but best of all, they will help you to remember the trickiest Times Tables correctly! 

Simply learn each Rhyme, and you will remember them in no time!


★ 20 Times Tables Rhymes to uniquely teach the trickiest facts from the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 Times Tables.
★ Pocket-sized versions of each Times Tables Rhyme for you to “cut out and keep”!

Each Memorable Rhyme features matching:

There are many characters to keep everyone engaged and entertained (some are featured below). From Bevan, Kate, and pirates to animals and numbers, we’ve got it all covered!


How did you choose each tricky Times Table?
From extensive research, including analysis of the UK Multiplication Tables Check.
Why have you put “BAR MODEL” and “ARRAY” images on the Rhymes?
These are used by teachers to support children in learning and understanding the Times Tables.  
What size is the book?
It is available in A5.

Who is it suitable for?
Learners age 6+

Where can I order a copy from?
Here, through our website’s secure WooCommerce online shop, we accept Apple Pay and debit or credit cards. 

“ These Times Tables Rhymes are genius! My boys actually ask if they can read them too. WIN, WIN! ”  ~ Parent

“ Mummy, those Rhymes really help me to remember my Times Tables. ”  ~ Child

“ My class love the Times Tables Rhymes.  They really like the pictures and the coloured bar models and arrays help too! ” ~ Teacher

Introducing some characters... Kate

Kate is a little bit mischievous and LOVES to eat chocolate and sticky cake!


Ellen likes to travel to Timbuktu. Her lucky number is 11.

Bevan and Nine

Most weekends Bevan hangs out at the beach surfing or climbing trees with number Nine!


The elves usually leave their chores a little late!


The pirates like to sail with their crew but they can fall out over what to do!

Fluffy Chicks

They love to hang out with the apes!

Some words from the author…

I started my journey as a teacher in the 1990s, studying for my Bachelor of Education honors degree at the leading teacher training college in Worcester, England.

During my time at Worcester College of Higher Education, I worked alongside some inspirational teachers and was taught by some excellent university lecturers and teacher mentors. They instilled in me the importance of using the knowledge of Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic (VAK) learning styles to create learning opportunities and teaching resources, amongst other things.

Every learner is different, some are predominantly Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic learners. A learner could also be a combination of two or all three learning styles. It is not always appropriate, necessary or possible to use all three VAK learning styles in lessons or when learning at home.

A Visual learner is someone who learns best by seeing and absorbing information through visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and diagrams.

An Auditory learner is someone who learns best by listening and processing information through sound, meaning they retain information most effectively when they hear it spoken out loud.

A Kinaesthetic ‘hands-on’ learner is someone who learns best through physical activity, movement, and hands-on experiences, meaning they absorb information most effectively by touching, feeling, and manipulating objects rather than simply reading or listening; essentially, they learn by “doing” rather than passively receiving information.

I have always loved making resources for lessons, often bringing a range of learning styles together with music, singing and Rhymes into my classroom, singing assemblies and private tutoring sessions. I have also been known to do this with my daughter’s homework.

It’s well-known that children happily and quickly memorise song lyrics, yet some children find recalling the Times Tables difficult and stressful. Pop songs are often written in rhyme. Rhyme repetition is good for the brain, improving memory, concentration, spatial intelligence and thinking skills. Because verses are made up of patterns, they are easy to remember.

Research suggests that the brain processes rhymes through acoustic encoding, which makes it easier for the brain to recall them

Through my work as a primary mathematics consultant, I am privileged to have worked in many primary schools and academies, supporting teachers and teaching assistants to improve standards in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Through this work, I saw first-hand how knowledge, understanding and fluency in the Times Tables vastly improve children’s progress in mathematics. Following this, I co-wrote a series of successful Times Tables music albums, “Sing Your Times Tables”.

When my daughter started to learn the Times Tables, like a lot of learners, she found learning them tricky! My daughter and I enjoyed making up some memorable Times Tables Rhymes together to help her remember the tricky ones. Besides being lots of fun, the Rhymes helped her to remember what she previously couldn’t, and this is how the book ‘Memorable Times Tables Rhymes’ began.

Helen Eaton, Education Consultant & Parent