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Work out the Missing Words!

Scene Set up Ideas...

This is a nice happy activity to do while the Christmas tunes are playing!

TIPS: If there is more than one child doing this activity:

  • They can either answer them together or take turns to write the answers;
  • You could tell each child which number from the puzzle is their word to solve;
  • You could give the children a different coloured pencil each so they can see their answers on each line if they are sharing the card;
  • Or much simpler – ask them to write their answers on a sheet of paper or notepad.

We have also added an Optional Download of some musical notes for you to print and cut out to add to your scene. Or you could cut some notes out of card. We attached ours using blu-tac.

Have fun! 

Please follow and Tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun  F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!

Ooh we love number 8

Ooh we love number 8