Scene Setup Ideas...
This activity takes me back to my schooling days!
I pre-made a couple of lanterns, putting one in my scene as an example and producing “one I made earlier” to give to the little one to decorate. Putting out the example lantern shows what the “end result” could “roughly” look like and inspires them to have a go!
- It doesn’t matter what colour card you use, it’s up to you. Once you have made a couple of lanterns you may prefer to go “freestyle” and skip the drawing of the lines part!
- Why not let the children express their “Happy Christmas Spirit” on their lanterns and decorate them with glitter glue and whatever crafty bits you may have hanging around at home too?
- You could halve the sheet of the A4 card and make the lanterns out of A5-sized card instead. Or you could make one out of the thickest paper you have. It may be a bit wobbly but it will do the job.
Please follow and tag us on Insta’: @foldablefun F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!

This reindeer has got it's eye on us...