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Flour Cake

Scene Set up Ideas...

This only takes a few mins to set up the scene. 

Once they discover what The Bossy Elf has set up for them, you could even involve the children in the making of the dome-shaped cake.

A few tips for you:

  • This task can get messy, so we suggest you do this in the kitchen and close to the sink so the person with flour on their face can wash it off 🚰easily and rinse their mouth out! Also, a cup of water at the ready is a good idea too! 
  • We used a wine gum 🍬 for this, but a Malteser or similar size and or spherical-shaped sweet would be easier to pick up with your mouth from the flour. 

NOTE: This is not a task for children (or grown-ups) with respiratory needs. But if you feel it is safe for them to play, they could nominate someone to get the sweet for them if they lose the game… 

Please follow and Tag us on Insta’:@foldablefun  F’bk: @FoldableFun and X: @FoldableFun #FoldableFunElf to share your elf scenes with us!

This is gonna get messy!

This is gonna get messy!

Let's do this!

Let's do this!

It's getting tricky now!

It's getting tricky now!

Wow, she really went for it!

Wow, she really went for it!

She's a good sport! Now where's the cloth and cup of water!

She's a good sport! Now where's the cloth and cup of water!